A Smart Acquisition Strategy That Can Revitalize the U.S. Amphibious Warfare Fleet (From RealClearDefense)
The Nation’s amphibious warfare fleet is in need of revitalization through the acquisition of new, more capable ships faster. U.S. amphibious warfare forces are this country’s first line of defense. The Navy and Marine Corps want both to increase the size of the amphibious fleet, and to introduce more capable ships. But competing Navy budget priorities raise questions about the Service’s ability to achieve these goals. The Navy’s initial Fiscal Year 2020 budget submission cut two amphibious transport docks (LPD) 17s from the five-year shipbuilding plan. However, a smarter acquisition strategy would allow the Navy to procure advanced amphibious warfare ships in sufficient numbers faster than the current shipbuilding program. I discuss such a strategy in detail here.
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