America Must Get Ready: Russia Is Trying To Grow Its Influence In Africa (From 1945)
The Russian assault on Ukraine marks the informal end to the so-called post-Cold War international order. In truth, Russia and China have been working to undermine extant global political architecture for years. The U.S. government must recognize that the challenge it faces extends far beyond Europe or even the Indo-Pacific region. As part of its grand geostrategic plan, Russia has been investing significant capital—economic, political, and military—in African countries. U.S. AFRICOM must prepare for a new reality in which it plays a significant role in the new strategic competition with Russia and prepare to counter its growing influence. One step AFRICOM should take is to work with private logistics companies operating on the Continent. These companies could help provide the logistics support and sustainment that AFRICOM will need if it should have to deploy forces to counter a Russian threat. I have written more on this subject here.
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