Army Budget Cuts Hit Pennsylvania Hard As Trump Reelection Bid Gears Up (From Forbes)
The same week that workers at the Army’s Ohio tank plant learned their programs were getting more money, workers at a helicopter plant in Pennsylvania learned that their Army program was being canceled. It’s a big deal at the Boeing rotorcraft plant near Philadelphia, because 2,000 workers support production of the Army’s CH-47 Chinook. Chinook is the Army’s heaviest, fastest helicopter, but it has lost lift capacity as equipment was added, and a planned upgrade would have restored that capacity. Now, the Army says it can do without the upgrade–even though it will lose the organic capability to transport its next-generation jeep. Why it would make such a decision for a rotorcraft expected to remain in service 40 more years is unclear. What is clear is that the Army didn’t give much thought to all the jobs that might be lost; how Chinook sales to allies might be affected; or how the loss of revenue from Chinook upgrades would impact other military work at the plant. Somebody needs to tell the Army that looking out for the manufacturing sector is a top priority with the commander in chief. I have written a commentary for Forbes here.
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