Army Signals The Abrams Tank Is Here To Stay (From Forbes)
The U.S. Army has designated the M1A2 Abrams main battle tank as an “enduring capability,” indicating that (1) it will remain central to the Army’s warfighting plans and (2) it is unlikely to replaced anytime soon. Thanks to the digital revolution and a practice of continuous improvement, today’s version of the tank is more lethal, survivable and versatile than anyone could have imagined when it first joined the force in 1980. It is a testament to the continuing relevance of Abrams that Taiwan is buying over a hundred and several Eastern European countries are likely to do so too. The return of great-power competition has reminded military planners that there are some missions only a tank can accomplish, and Abrams looks poised to remain the most capable main battle tank in the world. I have written a commentary for Forbes here.
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