Author Archives: Constance Baroudos, M.A.

  • Athens Must Abandon Euro To Survive

    September 22, 2015- Constance Baroudos, M.A. Greece had its fifth election in six years on Sunday. For the second time this year Syriza won the majority of votes and formed a coalition with the Independent Greeks. Together, the two political parties hold 155 of the 300 [Read More...]
  • Iran Deal Fixes Nothing

    September 17, 2015- Constance Baroudos, M.A. Some supporters of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), popularly known as the Iranian nuclear deal, argue that it is better to have some inspections in Iran as opposed to none. However, an agreement with Tehran should also take [Read More...]
  • Greece’s Creditors Should Follow The IMF Report

    July 10, 2015- Constance Baroudos, M.A. The European Central Bank (ECB), European Union (EU), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) make up the troika that manages bailout programs for countries in danger of default within the Eurozone. If a member of the troika objects to a [Read More...]
  • A Nuclear Triad Is Far Superior To A Dyad Or Monad

    May 18, 2015- Constance Baroudos, M.A. Last month, Frank Kendall, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, noted that the nuclear force modernization budget is unaffordable based on current forecasted defense funds. In response to dwindling resources, some suggest eliminating one or two legs [Read More...]
  • Nuclear Weapons Enable Peace

    May 6, 2015- Constance Baroudos, M.A. When President Barack Obama urged all countries to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in their security strategies, no foreign leaders followed. In fact, several countries continue to modernize their nuclear delivery systems: Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, France, Britain [Read More...]
  • The Minuteman III ICBM’s Future

    April 27, 2015- Constance Baroudos, M.A. LGM-30 Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) form the land component of the nuclear triad that provides deterrence along with air and sea legs. The purpose of strategic deterrence is to prevent nuclear war by ensuring that costs and risks [Read More...]
  • CSIS Event: Washington Must Continue to Outpace Missile Threats

    April 13, 2015- Constance Baroudos, M.A. The Center for Strategic and International Studies hosted an event last week that allowed speakers in and out of government to discuss missile defense. Washington’s need to outpace missile threats into the future was underscored, along with priority areas for [Read More...]
  • The Russian Threat: Why Missile Defense Must Be A Priority

    March 9, 2015- Constance Baroudos, M.A. According to a new Gallup poll 18 percent of Americans view Russia as the top threat to the United States. This indicates that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s aggressiveness in Ukraine has begun to scare the American public. While 18 percent [Read More...]
  • Missile Defense: A Common Kill Vehicle Will Improve Performance And Save Money

    February 19, 2015- Constance Baroudos, M.A. The Missile Defense Agency aims to develop a common kill vehicle (CKV) to address future ballistic threats in 2025 and beyond. A CKV will take many years to develop, but it will boost the capacity of missile defense systems to [Read More...]
  • Missile Defense: Time For A New Kill Vehicle

    February 5, 2015- Constance Baroudos, M.A. Missile defenses deter countries from launching missile attacks and seek to defeat those who do. But the only existing technology designed to protect the American homeland from incoming intermediate- and long-range ballistic missiles today is the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) [Read More...]
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