Author Archives: Daniel Gouré, Ph.D.
Rapid, Reliable Warning is the Key to Homeland Biodefense
August 6, 2008- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief In October, 2001, five people were killed and twelve injured when a series of anthrax laced letters were sent to major U.S. news organizations and prominent members of Congress. Now, seven years later, it is widely reported that [Read More...] -
Provide for the Common Defense: The 4% Solution
July 30, 2008- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Research Study For more than fifty years the United States has maintained the world’s preeminent military. Now, at the beginning of a new century, the continued dominance of that force may be in serious jeopardy. Future defense budgets are unlikely [Read More...] -
Funding Stability: A Proven Cure For Pentagon Disorders
June 30, 2008- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief Despite being the land of plenty – even excess – in recent years the United States has experienced an epidemic of eating disorders. One of these, Bulimia, a condition reported to have afflicted the late Princess of Wales, [Read More...] -
One Future For Missile Defense
June 23, 2008- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Remarks to the Congressional Missile Defense Conference Over the past seven years, the Bush Administration fundamentally changed the face of U.S. missile defense. In so doing, it has significantly improved this Nation’s ability to defend against ballistic missile threats of [Read More...] -
Hunting for Black Swans: Military Power in a Time of Strategic Uncertainty
June 9, 2008- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Presentation to the 2008 Air Force Strategy Conference What are Black Swans? The term Black Swan comes from a book by Nassim Taleb, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable. The title derives from the fact that in [Read More...] -
Doctor Gates Hangs Out His Shingle
May 16, 2008- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief Many of you may remember the famous Peanuts cartoons in which Lucy would play the psychiatrist, offering to diagnose Charlie Brown’s problems for five cents a session. Well, a new therapist has hung out his shingle. Secretary of [Read More...] -
The Military Beyond Iraq
May 12, 2008- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Presentation to the Heritage Foundation Seminar for Journalists The next president will confront a series of national security challenges that are in many ways as daunting as those made by President’s Truman and Eisenhower at the start of the Cold [Read More...] -
GAO Myopia Increases Risk Of Nuclear Attack On U.S.
March 10, 2008- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief In a recent report on the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) program to deploy advanced detectors of nuclear materials, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) focuses on minutiae and fails to recognize that the nation is terribly vulnerable to [Read More...] -
Finally, Missile Defense That Works
March 5, 2008- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief On February 20, 2008 a single modified Standard 3 missile (SM-3) launched by the Aegis cruiser Lake Erie hit and destroyed an errant U.S. intelligence satellite some 130 miles above the Earth. Culminating a series of successful tests, [Read More...] -
A Quick, Cheap Way To Help Soldiers Survive In Iraq
October 8, 2007- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief Over the past three years, the Army generally has done an impressive job at getting troops in Iraq and Afghanistan the equipment they need to fight a new kind of war. It recently delivered the one millionth Rapid [Read More...]