Author Archives: Daniel Gouré, Ph.D.

  • Killing Sead, Endangering U.S. Lives

    July 27, 2004- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief Air dominance is at the center of the new American way of war and suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD), particularly surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), is vital to air dominance. SEAD is pursued through two related means, electronic warfare [Read More...]
  • Better Than An Abrams

    May 15, 2004- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief Faced with a combination of threats from improvised explosive devices (IEDs), suicide bombers in cars and trucks loaded with explosives and ubiquitous rocket propelled grenades, it would be easy to conclude that the only safe way for U.S. [Read More...]
  • The Limits of Alliances

    April 30, 2004- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Research Study It is time to rethink both the purposes of U.S.-alliance relationships and the character of the partners the United States needs in order to address the threats of a new international environment. The unity of the West in [Read More...]
  • Get Moving On Broad Area Maritime Surveillance

    January 20, 2004- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief Ever since Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld came back to Washington, the talk at the Pentagon has been about almost nothing but transformation. Yet, for all the talk and all the money expended, real progress has been slow. Most [Read More...]
  • Not Much Money, But Plenty of Soldiers

    October 15, 2003- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Article Published in The Wall Street Journal “Not Much Money, But Plenty of Soldiers” The Wall Street Journal October 15, 2003 By Daniel Goure Alix Freedman focuses mostly on one reason why poorer countries are often the source of peacekeeping [Read More...]
  • Don’t Overlook Importance Of Alliances With Small Gulf States

    October 14, 2003- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief Some of America’s most valuable military partners in the global war on terrorism are not those with large populations, GDPs or military establishments. Their value is not in their capacity to field great armies, although some do possess [Read More...]
  • Turkey: Still A Valuable Ally

    October 10, 2003- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief As the baseball season roars into October, we are reminded time and again that the sweet pastime is really a study of averages. While even the most reliable players can disappoint in high-pressure situations, managers keep them in [Read More...]
  • Poland: A “Niche” Ally

    October 7, 2003- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief Poland is one of several new U.S. allies who are not as big or powerful as our traditional teammates, such as Britain, Germany or Turkey. With limited resources, the Poles have more of a “niche” role to play [Read More...]
  • Operation Iraqi Freedom: Lesson One: The Importance Of Aerospace Supremacy

    September 15, 2003- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief Operation Iraqi Freedom was unique in a number of ways. One of these was the rapidity with which coalition air and space forces established aerospace supremacy over Iraq. Air supremacy is defined as the ability to go anywhere [Read More...]
  • Pity The Poor Chinese Navy

    September 15, 2003- Daniel Gouré, Ph.D. Issue Brief China has been busy trying to develop a military that can isolate Taiwan, and, if necessary, hold the U.S. at bay. The PLAN’s one hope for success in a campaign against Taiwan is to blockade the island and [Read More...]
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