Author Archives: David White


    April 17, 2008- David White The Leader (Lyndhurst, NJ) When David Paterson addressed a joint session of New York’s State Legislature the day he took over as governor, school choice supporters were hanging on his every word. Although the new governor only took a moment [Read More...]

    March 10, 2008- David White Article The New York Times If the Democratic race is settled at the party’s convention this summer — not unlikely, given Hillary Clinton’s victories over Barack Obama in Ohio and Texas — certain delegate constituencies are going to be the [Read More...]
  • A Lesson In Stealing Pensions: Nat’l Teachers Union Copies N.Y. Scam

    October 24, 2007- David White Article published in The New York Post OSTENSIBLY, union leaders have one purpose – to protect and advance the interests of their members, push ing for higher wages, better health and pension benefits, etc. But the nation’s top teachers union [Read More...]
  • Teachers Union Puts Politics Before School Goals

    September 2, 2007- David White Article published in The Detroit Free Press At the National Education Association’s recent annual meeting, Barack Obama threw down the gauntlet before 9,000 members, challenging them to embrace competition and merit pay. In doing so, he exposed the NEA for [Read More...]
  • Tainted Union Dollars

    July 2, 2007- David White Article published in The New York Sun A philanthropist who just gave $22.5 million to help the city’s low-income children who attend Catholic schools suggested that if it weren’t for the teachers union, he would have considered supporting public education. [Read More...]
  • Blackboards Not Billboards

    April 29, 2007- David White Article published In The New York Times Several months ago, the Newark Teachers Union put up signs across the city about Newark’s escalating murder rate. “Help Wanted,” the signs implored. “Stop the Killings in Newark Now!” Business owners have complained [Read More...]
  • Taxpayers Subsidize Teachers Unions

    April 8, 2007- David White Article published in The San Francisco Chronicle Promising to improve California’s public schools, the newly elected president of the California Federation of Teachers has just pledged to “weigh in on the issues of the day — ending the war in [Read More...]
  • Improving Public Schools

    March 12, 2007- David White Article published in The Washington Times Steve Jobs, the co-founder and CEO of Apple, just lost any friends he had in the executive offices of the nation’s teacher unions. Speaking recently at an education reform conference in Austin, Mr. Jobs [Read More...]
  • Focus on English Fluency, and Kids Learn

    March 4, 2007- David White Article published in Press-Enterprise (Riverside, CA) In 1998, California voted to replace bilingual education with English-language immersion. Although English learners have since made enormous strides, the state has had some of the nation’s lowest rates in reclassifying English learners as [Read More...]
  • Still Segregated After 25 Years

    January 7, 2007- David White Article published in San Antonio Express-News Twenty-five years ago, the U.S. Department of Justice sued Texas to force the state to end segregation in its schools. District Judge William Wayne Justice ruled that Mexican Americans qualify as an identifiable minority [Read More...]
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