Author Archives: Don Soifer
New Congress Sets Priorities
January 1, 2003- Don Soifer Issue Brief Special Education, Head Start, and Higher Education programs will be among the top education priorities when the 108th Congress convenes in January. But before lawmakers turn their attention to these areas, they will first need to resolve a [Read More...] -
Bilingual Education in New York City: Poor Accountability, Worse Progress
October 1, 2002- Don Soifer Research Study There are 151,000 English learners in New York City public schools, and they face increasingly desperate odds. Dropout rates have risen to the point where more of them are dropping out of school than are graduating from high [Read More...] -
Bilingual Ed Must Translate To Results
July 28, 2002- Don Soifer Article Published in the Boston Herald Whether or not voters favor a pending ballot initiative to replace bilingual education with English immersion, it is easy to appreciate the serious dialogue that is now taking place about how well Massachusetts’ current [Read More...] -
Carefully Weigh Special Ed Funding Needs
June 16, 2002- Don Soifer Article Published in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel As Federal policymakers examine special education programs this summer, the most important question they will ask is whether special ed actually helps the students who depend on it. Recently, when National Research Council scholars [Read More...] -
Making Education Tax Credits Work at the Federal Level
May 10, 2002- Don Soifer Remarks to the National Conference of State Legislatures Assembly on Federal Issues Good afternoon. It is a real pleasure to have this opportunity to address an esteemed panel of state legislators here to talk about education policy. I have been [Read More...] -
Special Education Reform 2002: Where To Begin?
April 1, 2002- Don Soifer Research Study Executive Summary As Congress undertakes reauthorization of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), it faces what many observers predict will be a highly contentious process with little consensus beyond a determination to increase federal funding levels. [Read More...] -
A Boon for Tutors – and Test Makers
February 4, 2002- Don Soifer Business Week Letter to the Editor William Symonds correctly identifies some valuable openings for the private sector with the passage of President Bush’s “No Child Left Behind Education Plan” (“A New Push to Privatize,” January 14). But he misses perhaps [Read More...] -
Left Behind What? Framing an Appropriate Conservative Response to “No Child Left Behind”
January 31, 2002- Don Soifer Remarks to The Conservative Club of Alexandria, Virginia When I was extended the generous invitation to speak with you this evening, I was asked to discuss the “No Child Left Behind” education plan passed by Congress in December and signed [Read More...] -
English Learners Not Left Behind With New Plan
January 1, 2002- Don Soifer Article Published in the School Reform News The education plan announced in November by House and Senate Conferees includes bold and unprecedented reforms of federal bilingual education programs. In fact, the nation’s more than 3.5 million English learners (three-quarters of [Read More...] -
Federal Bilingual Education Programs in Massachusetts: “But Do They Help the Children?”
September 1, 2001- Don Soifer Issue Brief Executive Summary Massachusetts currently has over 45,000 students in “transitional bilingual education” programs. School districts are required by state law to implement such programs when at least 20 students speak the same, non-English native language. But there are [Read More...]