Author Archives: Doug Mesecar
Appropriations Committee Approves Funding for Personalized Learning
July 14, 2016- Doug Mesecar Districts looking to implement personalized learning will have support from federal funding, as a result of spending approved today by the House Appropriations Committee. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) signed into law in December strongly encourages personalized learning and [Read More...] -
Equality of Educational Opportunity Must Recognize Success of Student Outcomes – Testimony to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
May 20, 2016- Doug Mesecar WRITTEN TESTIMONY FOR THE U.S. COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS BRIEFING ON Public Education Funding Inequality in an Era of Increasing Concentration of Poverty and Resegregation DOUG MESECAR ADJUNCT SCHOLAR, LEXINGTON INSTITUTE MAY 20, 2016 Equality of Educational Opportunity Must Recognize [Read More...] -
Improving Educational Opportunities and Outcomes for Military-Connected Students
May 17, 2016- Doug Mesecar From the Newport News Daily Press “Tip of the spear” is a phrase sometimes used in military operations to mean the first soldiers and sailors to go into combat. In civilian usage, it can mean the first to venture into [Read More...] -
Improve Educational Outcomes by Adopting Performance-Based Funding
May 1, 2016- Doug Mesecar The Buffalo News New York has a new state budget that increases spending to almost $25 billion for the state’s districts and schools, a historic amount that comes with few, if any, expectations that the dollars produce demonstrable academic results. [Read More...] -
From Good to Great Through Personalized Learning in Loudoun County, Virginia
March 22, 2016- Doug Mesecar Click here to download the article as PDF. Executive Summary This fall, Northern Virginia’s Loudoun County Public Schools will introduce a new personalized learning approach in 15 elementary and secondary schools, adding a powerful strategy to the district’s overall vision [Read More...] -
Personalizing Learning to Narrow Achievement Gaps in Middletown, NY (Presentation Slides)
March 9, 2016- Doug Mesecar Mid-Atlantic Conference on Personalized Learning Click here to download the presentation as PDF. When Superintendent Ken Eastwood and his leadership team in the Enlarged City School District of Middletown, New York launched their transformative blended learning initiative, they did so [Read More...] -
Charter Schools Emphasizing Character Education a Good Match for Virginia
February 15, 2016- Doug Mesecar Does learning need integrity in order to produce young men and women ready to be positive, productive citizens? Over the last few years, there has been a growing focus on the need to incorporate character development into school curricula. Two [Read More...] -
Professional Development Resources for Personalized Blended Learning
January 16, 2016- Doug Mesecar Now is the time when districts start crafting budgets for the upcoming school year. For those embarking on personalized blended learning, or those already underway, serious consideration should be given to the time, funding, and strategy devoted to professional development [Read More...] -
Middletown, NY Personalizes Learning To Narrow Achievement Gaps
December 22, 2015- Doug Mesecar Click here to download the full study as PDF. Summary The Enlarged City School District of Middletown, New York is showing the nation how to transform a once-struggling district. Proving that good things come in small packages, this economically challenged [Read More...] -
It’s Time for Virginia to Embrace Education Excellence for Every Student
November 29, 2015- Doug Mesecar Roanoke (VA) Times Does your child attend a school that instills a lifelong love and respect for knowledge and learning, an appreciation for the importance of hard work and self-reliance for success, and the discovery of individual strengths to invent, [Read More...]
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