Author Archives: Joanne Jacobs
The Education of JAIME CAPELLAN: English Learner Success in California Schools
June 17, 2008- Joanne Jacobs Some of the highest-performing students in California public schools are children who knew little English when they started kindergarten but achieved proficiency in elementary school. “English Learners” who are reclassifi ed as fluent and proficient often outperform native English speakers [Read More...] -
Effective techniques work in any language: English learners can succeed with attentive teachers
June 3, 2007- Joanne Jacobs Article published in The San Francisco Chronicle In a mainstream class at Typical Elementary, third-graders Maria and Jose listen to the teacher explain Thanksgiving, draw a turkey, study vocabulary words, look at a Mayflower picture, sing a Thanksgiving song, and [Read More...] -
How Good Is Good Enough? Moving California’s English Learners to English Proficiency
May 18, 2007- Joanne Jacobs Research Study A only 9.6 percent of English Learners (ELs) in California public schools were redesignated to Fluent English Proficient status during the 2005-06 school year. According to one state education department study, only one-third of those who start in [Read More...]
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