Author Archives: Lexington Institute

  • Logistics Transformation: Next Steps to Agile Supply Chain Integration

    July 1, 2005- Lexington Institute Research Study Numerous studies have recommended that the Department of Defense apply best commercial practices to logistics operations as a long-term solution to its inventory management weaknesses. However, there is no consensus in the private sector as to what commercial [Read More...]
  • Logistics Transformation: Next Steps to Interoperability and Alignment

    July 1, 2005- Lexington Institute Research Study Policy and vision documents declare interoperability to be the “foundation of effective joint, multinational and interagency operations.” Achieving that vision has been challenging and logistics leaders have raised a number of issues in discussing next steps to achieve [Read More...]
  • Military Logistics isn’t a Game of Texas Hold ‘Em

    June 30, 2005- Lexington Institute Issue Brief Approximately 60,000 players per day spend time at the most popular Internet poker casinos, while 50 to 60 million play live games at least once a month. ESPN’s showing of the World Poker Championships equates in ratings to [Read More...]
  • NEA Touts Radical Multiculturalism In Its New Guide For Teachers

    June 1, 2005- Lexington Institute Issue Brief A new teachers’ guide from the National Education Association (NEA) makes crystal-clear the giant union’s advocacy of an ideology of multiculturalism in the nation’s schools. The guide purports to present a “multi-themed approach” to closing achievement gaps in [Read More...]
  • Issue #16 The Man Who Could Not Take a Hint

    May 25, 2005- Lexington Institute Luis Posada Carriles, a man who has admitted involvement in terrorist acts, ended up in federal custody May 17 and now faces immigration charges and potential long-term detention. His case presents the Bush Administration with a conflict between the clear [Read More...]
  • Issue #15 La Voz de Miami

    May 3, 2005- Lexington Institute Both sides of the Cuba debate made news in Washington on April 27, but only one side was covered in detail by the U.S. government’s broadcasts to Cuba. More than 600 activists came to Washington for “Cuba Action Day” to [Read More...]
  • QDR 2005 Issues Facing the Navy

    May 1, 2005- Lexington Institute Research Study From its fragile birth on the eve of American independence to its global reach at the dawn of the Third Millennium, the U.S. Navy has continuously adapted to new challenges and opportunities. The threat posed by imperialism gave [Read More...]
  • Moving the Mail

    March 2, 2005- Lexington Institute Article Published in St. Joseph News-Press (Missouri) One hundred forty-five years ago, a young man named Johnnie Frye galloped out of St. Joseph carrying with him a copy of the Gazette, this newspaper’s predecessor. It was the beginning of the [Read More...]
  • Issue #14 Cuba’s International Economic Strategy Pays Off

    February 4, 2005- Lexington Institute Rather than rely on expanded market-based reforms, Cuba has embarked on a series of long-term international economic initiatives geared toward strengthening the state economy and increasing trade, aid, and investment. Several of these initiatives have come to fruition in recent [Read More...]
  • The Challenge and Promise of Network-Centric Warfare

    February 1, 2005- Lexington Institute Research Study In recent years the ‘Revolution in Military Affairs’ has given way to ‘Transformation’ as the guiding rationale for most U.S. national security developments. Since the late 1990s, the ability to wage “network-centric warfare” has become identified as a [Read More...]
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