Author Archives: Lexington Institute

  • Coast Guard Should Be Key Focus for QDR

    August 30, 2000- Lexington Institute Issue Brief Of the world’s 41 recognized maritime fleets, the one ranked at No. 37 in age puts to sea daily with aged ships and planes, out-of-date communications gear and nearly obsolete sensors. This fleet must protect the coastlines and [Read More...]
  • A War Every Day: The Coast Guard’s new frontier in the war on drugs

    August 1, 2000- Lexington Institute Article Published in the Seapower “It just goes to show you that we can get the job done if we have the money to do it,” said Coast Guard Food Service Specialist Third Class Victor Rivera as he flipped through [Read More...]
  • Drug Wars Fueling Demand for New Coast Guard Ships

    August 1, 2000- Lexington Institute Article Published in the National Defense Recent reports from Washington claim that the war on drugs is in danger of taking a turn for the worst at the source — in Colombia, where the government struggles to come up with [Read More...]
  • Test Foreign Language

    June 14, 2000- Lexington Institute Since the revision of France’s postal laws in 2005, La Poste has been under the regulatory authority of ARCEP, or the Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et des Postes, an independent administrative authority. Liberalization of the French postal market [Read More...]
  • Navy Must Sell Congress on Intranet System

    June 5, 2000- Lexington Institute Article Published in the Federal Times The House Armed Services Committee recently put a shot across the Navy’s bow regarding service plans to build its own version of the Internet, and the warning has the service looking for ways to [Read More...]
  • JSTARS: Military has the ‘Eyesight’, But Where’s the Foresight?

    April 20, 2000- Lexington Institute Issue Brief Imagine if the Union Army had possessed the technical means to “see” from the farmlands of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to the Confederate capital in Richmond, Virginia. President Abraham Lincoln’s military commanders could have monitored the movements of Gen. Robert [Read More...]
  • Keep Coast Guard Sharp: Expanding Missions Demand Modern Gear

    April 3, 2000- Lexington Institute Article Published in the Defense News When most people think of the U.S. Coast Guard, they think of a small-boat force that risks life and limb in crashing surf and stormy seas to rescue errant boaters. Perhaps they imagine a [Read More...]
  • Clear and Present Danger

    April 1, 2000- Lexington Institute Letter to the Editor at Harpers Magazine To The Editor:Jonathan Schell’s essay concerning our ongoing nuclear crisis [“The Unfinished Twentieth Century,” January] correctly notes that the Clinton Administration’s plans to develop an anti-ballistic missile defense system are incompatible with the [Read More...]
  • The “Unplugged” Battlefield: Marine Corps Modernizes Its Tactical Communications

    March 1, 2000- Lexington Institute Article Published in the Seapower Magazine A running joke in the Marine Corps is that the two most common after-action comments following a field exercise are, “We learned a lot,” and, “Comm [communications] was fouled up again.” With luck, the [Read More...]
  • Don’t Turn A Blind Eye To The Need For Subs

    February 28, 2000- Lexington Institute Article Published in the Navy Times When Blind Man’s Bluff, the story of the Navy’s Cold War submarine fleet, was published in 1999, the Navy distanced itself from the book, citing security concerns and a policy to not discuss submarine [Read More...]
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