Author Archives: Loren B. Thompson, Ph.D

  • Air Power’s Proponents May Be Its Biggest Problem

    April 3, 2001- Loren B. Thompson, Ph.D Issue Brief You don’t need to be a Pentagon insider to know where the Rumsfeld defense review is headed. It’s going to nudge the military’s force posture in the direction of aerospace and sea power, at the expense of ground [Read More...]
  • The Limits of Transformation

    March 12, 2001- Loren B. Thompson, Ph.D Op Ed The Washington Post Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has surprised almost everyone in the Pentagon by taking seriously President Bush’s campaign rhetoric about the need to transform the military. The conventional wisdom among defense pundits (including me) was that [Read More...]
  • Key Challenges Confronting Naval Shipbuilding II

    February 2, 2001- Loren B. Thompson, Ph.D Research Study The Navy’s shipbuilding budget is underfunded. As a result, the service is only building enough vessels to sustain a 200-ship fleet over the long run, rather than the 300 ships called for in the 1997 Quadrennial Defense Review. [Read More...]
  • “Most Expensive Fighter in History” – – The Making of a Myth

    January 19, 2001- Loren B. Thompson, Ph.D Research Study The Air Force is developing a stealthy fighter called the F-22 Raptor. It is the only stealthy air-superiority fighter the U.S. is developing. The Navy’s F/A-l8 E/F Super Hornet is a fighter, but it isn’t stealthy. The Joint [Read More...]
  • Mr. Rumsfeld’s Five Most Urgent Investment Challenges

    January 1, 2001- Loren B. Thompson, Ph.D Issue Brief President-elect Bush’s choice of a seasoned manager as Defense Secretary was a smart move, because the challenges the Pentagon faces are daunting. The Clinton Administration’s combination of global engagement with a “procurement holiday” has produced a rapidly aging, [Read More...]
  • The Attack Submarine and Network-centric warfare

    December 30, 2000- Loren B. Thompson, Ph.D Research Study Submarines are the oldest major weapon system still in the U.S. military inventory, predating both fixed-wing aircraft and heavy armor. Their continued utility in modern warfare is attributable to a remarkable capacity to adapt to new warfighting requirements. [Read More...]
  • The Air Force Rethinks Global Strategy

    November 16, 2000- Loren B. Thompson, Ph.D Issue Brief While the political system has been distracted by a seemingly interminable presidential campaign over the last several months, the U.S. Air Force has begun a transformation of its global warfighting strategy. It’s a safe bet the defense advisors [Read More...]
  • What the Air Force Needs from the Next Quadrennial Review

    November 6, 2000- Loren B. Thompson, Ph.D Issue Brief The U.S. Air Force has awakened from the Clinton Administration’s “procurement holiday” with a massive hangover. Almost everything it owns is aging rapidly, and needs to be replaced. Like the other services, it is looking for relief in [Read More...]
  • Air Force Needs B-2s

    November 6, 2000- Loren B. Thompson, Ph.D Article Published in the Defense News Michael Vickers’ compelling commentary on bomber modernization, “Bolster the B-2 Fleet Now,” in the Oct 23 issue, left me feeling both sad and angry. Sad that the U.S. Air Force has undermined so thoroughly [Read More...]
  • Is the U.S. Military Ready to Meet Future Threat?

    October 8, 2000- Loren B. Thompson, Ph.D Article Published in the Pensacola News Journal Al Gore says America’s military is the best in the world. George Bush, Jr. says America’s military is in decline. Who should you believe? You should believe both, because they’re both right. The [Read More...]
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