Author Archives: Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D.
Energy Policy: Moving Forward on Smart Grid
August 21, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. You can manage your mobile phone plan, but not your household electricity. That’s because the electricity grid that powers America hasn’t changed much since the early 20th Century. But it won’t be that way for much longer. Smart grid is [Read More...] -
Nuclear Power At The Polls: 59% Approval Rating
August 20, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. Yes, a politician running for office would be thrilled with the numbers routinely posted by Americans polled on whether they support nuclear power. Gallup pollsters started asking the question back in 1994. Since then, nuclear power never dipped below a [Read More...] -
Moving Forward On Smart Grid
August 20, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. Research Study New information technologies make it possible to put in place a “smart grid” capable of two-way communication and many more functions to control supply and demand. A smart grid can help prevent black-outs, give consumers up-to-the-minute information on [Read More...] -
Air Force Cyber Warriors
August 19, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you get what you need. The Air Force set off almost 4 years ago to get serious about cyber. Air, space and cyber became the new mission. Initial [Read More...] -
JSTARS Moving Target Intel Has Many Users In War Zones
August 18, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. Ever heard of airborne forensics? One of the hottest tools for hunting Taliban in Afghanistan is something called ground moving target indicator, produced by the Air Force’s JSTARS radar plane. JSTARS flies nightly missions with a crew of 20 or [Read More...] -
Navy: Say Hello To Stealth And Unmanned Warplanes
August 14, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. Loren is right to worry about the UCAS delay (posted August 13). But there’s a bigger issue. Remarkably, the Navy has so far failed to buy its fliers stealth fighter-attack aircraft (around since the early 1980s) or big unmanned planes [Read More...] -
A Low-Cost Solution to Missile Defense
July 28, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. N is for net-centric and the Air Force’s latest move to get ahead in the ballistic missile defense game depends on it. The Net Centric Airborne Defense Element (NCADE) is a modified AMRAAM air-to-air missile primed to chase and hit [Read More...] -
Vickers on the Future
July 27, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. Pentagon guru Michael Vickers is Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, but he’s much more than just a top counterinsurgency expert. For over a year his office’s portfolio has included advising on the full range [Read More...] -
Congress Should Move Forward On A New Bomber
June 19, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. Issue Brief Picture this: a nuclear weapon in terrorist hands loose in the remote regions of Pakistan. How about a mobile missile deep in Iran with a nuclear warhead standing by? Or a space launch complex in some other nation, [Read More...] -
Will The Pentagon Remember To Defend American Skies?
May 22, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. Issue Brief When the Pentagon “rebalanced” military aircraft programs on April 6, they forgot about buying new fighters to protect the United States. Remember the scare last month when the back-up Air Force One made low circles over New York [Read More...]