Author Archives: Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D.

  • Achieving Decision Superiority And The Roughead Vision (I)

    October 22, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. Don’t wait on the QDR – the visionary thinking in the Pentagon right now is coming from the Chief of Naval Operations. Admiral Gary Roughead is looking hard at what it takes to “achieve decision superiority.” He’s pinpointed that tactical [Read More...]
  • Obama Pragmatic on Nuclear Power

    October 20, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. President Obama just signaled he’s willing to look at more nuclear power for electricity generation. “There’s no reason why technologically we can’t employ nuclear energy in a safe and effective way,” he said in a recent public meeting in New [Read More...]
  • Next Steps For Smart Grid

    October 19, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. Issue Brief Smart Grid technology is coming. Over the next few years 17 million American homes will be equipped with advanced electric meters enabling two-way digital communication between your home and your utility. It’s not a moment too soon because [Read More...]
  • So You Want To Bomb Iran’s Nuclear Sites (III)

    October 9, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. Since this is the cyberspace age Washington will have the ability to call off a strike against Iran’s nuclear targets almost at the last minute. It’s a real possibility due to the high stakes and it’s happened before. In 1998, [Read More...]
  • So You Want To Bomb Iran (IV)

    October 9, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. My last three postings have discussed some of the factors in a military option to strike a tough target set — Iranian nuclear facilities. Wait a few years, and the conditions for success in such a strike could get even [Read More...]
  • So You Want To Bomb Iran’s Nuclear Sites (I)

    October 8, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. Attacking Iran’s nuclear sites is a big topic of discussion. A new Pew poll from October 6 found a whopping 61% of Americans agree its “more important to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, even if it means taking military [Read More...]
  • So You Want to Bomb Iran’s Nuclear Sites (II)

    October 8, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. Assume conditions deteriorate and the international community bands together in favor of a pre-emptive, punitive strike on some or all of Iran’s nuclear sites. The heavy lifting would fall to the only two stealth aircraft in the world today – [Read More...]
  • Why Ten More C-17s Are Important To America

    October 1, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. Issue Brief is raging on Capitol Hill about whether to buy ten more C-17 military airlifters. It’s astonishing, given that the C-17 is perfect for “the wars we are in” as the Pentagon likes to say. Right now, a C-17 [Read More...]
  • Korea: Kim Calling The Shots, So U.S. Forces Dig In

    September 30, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. Gen. “Skip” Sharp looks across the demilitarized zone daily in his job as top commander of UN forces in Korea. Here’s his take on North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il. “He is in charge,” Sharp told a group of defense writers [Read More...]
  • Iran Highlights Need For Raptor Readiness

    September 29, 2009- Rebecca L. Grant, Ph.D. Iran’s weekend saber-rattling with its splashy Shahab 3 missile is a big reminder that in world politics, you just never know. It’s always nice to have the upper hand: specifically, an ability to contain Iran, and threaten back if needed. [Read More...]
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