Author Archives: Robert Holland

  • Multicultural Education Promotes Separatism

    April 24, 2004- Robert Holland Article published in The Manchester (NH) Union-Leader “CELEBRATE DIVERSITY” is the mantra of multicultural educators. That call resounds louder than usual on April’s Earth Day, when activists fashion multiculturalism and environmentalism into twin blossoms. In truth, there is nothing diverse [Read More...]
  • Despite Political Attacks NCLB ‘Teacher Quality’ Reform Retains Broad-Based and Bipartisan Support

    March 3, 2004- Robert Holland Issue Brief The politics of a presidential election-year has blurred the reality that No Child Left Behind (NCLB) passed both houses of Congress in 2001 with overwhelming support from both Democrat and Republican Members. Super-heated political rhetoric has made the [Read More...]
  • A Primer on Multicultural Education: Unifying or Divisive Force?

    March 1, 2004- Robert Holland Research Study With regard to multicultural education, definitions count. It can be a constructively inclusive approach to teaching about the cultural ingredients of a unified nation. Unfortunately, the multiculturalism advocated in much of the academic world today downgrades unity in [Read More...]
  • The First Blooming of Competition in Teacher Certification

    January 1, 2004- Robert Holland Issue Brief As 2004 began, long-dreamed-of efforts to open K-12 teaching to knowledgeable people who did not go through the certification mill controlled by schools of education and allied agencies were beginning to bear fruit. Two states, Pennsylvania and Idaho, [Read More...]
  • A Tale of Two Systems of Delivering Higher Education

    December 1, 2003- Robert Holland Issue Brief Public higher education is undergoing scrutiny for price increases that have been greatly outpacing the rate of inflation for many years, despite sizeable increases in state and federal subsidies. While students protest tuition hikes, many universities are adding [Read More...]
  • By Demanding Results and Offering Choices, NCLB Is a Step in the Right Direction

    November 2, 2003- Robert Holland Article published in The Salt Lake City Tribune The No Child Left Behind Act represents a radical departure from Washington’s prior K-12 education laws: For the first time, it ties federal dollars to achieving academic results. It also seeks to [Read More...]
  • Virginia is Leaving the Child Behind

    October 27, 2003- Robert Holland Article published in The Roanoke (VA) Times The National Education Association and its political allies have launched a campaign to emasculate No Child Left Behind, the new version of the 38-year-old Elementary and Secondary Education Act that President Bush signed [Read More...]
  • Not So Terrible

    September 27, 2003- Robert Holland Letter to the Editor of The National Journal Regarding Brian Friel’s informative piece on lamentations being heard across the education world as provisions of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 begin to take effect (9/13/03, p.2764): Is [Read More...]
  • Connecting Higher Education to US K-12 Reform

    June 19, 2003- Robert Holland Article published in The Providence Journal 1965 was a big year for education enactments. As part of LBJ’s Great Society, Congress passed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and the Higher Education Act (HEA). ESEA and HEA were not [Read More...]
  • Virginia Has Thrown Up Roadblocks to Innovation

    May 24, 2003- Robert Holland Article published in The The Winchester Star Virginia has one of the strongest sets of K-12 learning standards in the nation. Organizations as disparate as the Princeton Review and the Thomas Fordham Foundation have given the Standards of Learning (SOL) [Read More...]
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