Author Archives: Robert Holland

  • Bilingual Education Reform By Giving Parents a Choice

    June 13, 2001- Robert Holland Article Much of the controversy in the education reform debate of 2001 has attached to President Bush’s proposal to let low-income parents use some federal aid to apply toward private-sector alternatives when their children are stuck in chronically failing public [Read More...]
  • Congress Could Still Go to Bat for Parental Choice

    May 18, 2001- Robert Holland Article Published in The Manchester (NH) Union Leader Supporters of parental choice lost a battle when the House and Senate education panels stripped from President Bush’s reform a proposal to let children stuck in the very worst public schools use [Read More...]
  • How to Build a Better Teacher

    April 1, 2001- Robert Holland Article, Policy Review American schools need more teachers. American schools need better teachers. Practically everyone with a stake in the education debate agrees with those two premises. However, there is sharp disagreement as to whether more regulation or less is [Read More...]
  • Battles for School Choice Being Fought on a Broad Front

    March 9, 2001- Robert Holland Article published in Colorado Springs Gazette School vouchers went down heavily as election-day propositions in California and Michigan last November. Although fundamental reform is always a tough sell as a stark yes or no on a ballot, the school-choice movement [Read More...]
  • Tax Credits Can Be a Tool of Education Reform in Virginia

    January 30, 2001- Robert Holland Article Published in The Virginian-Pilot (Norfolk, VA) Much hoopla attended the release of President George W. Bush’s education reform plan Tuesday, as well it should have. The former Texas Governor made accountability for results in K-12 schooling the cornerstone of [Read More...]
  • Secretary Paige’s Most Urgent Education Challenges

    January 2, 2001- Robert Holland Issue Brief As Superintendent of Houston’s public schools since 1994, Dr. Rod Paige has distinguished himself as an education reformer who is not afraid to depart from conventional educational wisdom in a quest of academic results. The passing rates of [Read More...]
  • Where Does the Education Money Go?

    January 1, 2001- Robert Holland Article Published in The School Reform News In the wake of defeats for statewide voucher initiatives in California and Michigan, the president of the nation’s largest teachers union was quick to draw the lesson that Americans want even more money [Read More...]
  • Choosing Integration Finally Could Be a Reality in Virginia

    October 11, 2000- Robert Holland Article Published in the Roanoke Times WITH VIRGINIA leading the way, “freedom of choice” became a Southern strategy for blunting the impact of mandatory school desegregation after the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic Brown vs. Board of Education decision of May [Read More...]
  • Still A Choice

    October 2, 2000- Robert Holland Letter to the Editor, The New Republic If Ryan Lizza is correct, the teacher-union chiefs shouldn’t be beaming so much at Al Gore’s professions of fidelity to their agendas. (“Same Lesson,” August 21.) The “dirty little secret” is that many [Read More...]
  • Cautionary Flags for Charter Schools

    September 24, 2000- Robert Holland The Washington Post Magazine, Letter to the Editor In “Breaking the Monopoly” {July 23}, David Osborne makes a powerful case for charter schools. However, a few cautionary flags are in order. “Every school a charter school” means every school remains [Read More...]
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