Back On A War Footing: Five Capabilities The Army Must Have In A Decade (From Army Magazine)
The U.S. Army is rethinking its warfighting priorities in light of new threats posed by Russia and other potential near-peer enemies. There isn’t much that the service can do in the near term to alter the balance of forces in key theaters other than to increase the number of deployed combat units, but in the medium term — ten years out — there are several programs that could make a big difference. The latest version of the Warfighter Information Network – Tactical could greatly enhance mobile command. New electronic-warfare initiatives could bolster the ability to maneuver on the electromagnetic spectrum. The Improved Turbine Engine Program could restore weight and performance margins to the combat rotorcraft fleet. The Modular Active Protection System could materially increase the survivability of armored vehicles. And the Long Range Precision Fires program would go a long way toward matching Russia’s military in organic fires. These efforts arguably should be the Army’s top investment priorities if it wants to win a war against near-peer adversaries ten years hence. I have written a commentary for Army Magazine here.
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