Blended Learning Video Library
As high-quality blended learning models proliferate around the country in traditional public, public charter and private schools, keeping current can be a challenge. These videos may prove helpful. If you have other suggestions, please let us know and we’d be happy to add them to our list.
Blended Learning Overview from Education Elements, leading national blended learning designer
Carpe Diem Collegiate High School and Middle School in Yuma, Arizona – Overview
Mission Dolores Academy, Blended K-8 Catholic School in San Francisco – Overview
Kipp: Empower Academy, Los Angeles – Overview
NBC Education Nation 2012 segment about Alliance Technology and Math/Science High School in Los Angeles and its BLAST blended learning model
NBC Education Nation 2012 segment about Carpe Diem
Three videos about the Khan Academy math curriculum pilot in the Los Altos School District in CA:
Student Perspectives
Teacher Perspectives
Administrator Perspectives
Blended Learning Overview from the Colorado Legacy Foundation and Colorado Department of Education
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