Building 21st Century Catholic Learning Communities — A Washington, DC Education Policy Event
Event Date: October 16, 9 AM – 12:30 PM
Catholic University of America, Pryzbyla Conference Center
We hope that you are able to join us for an upcoming education policy event Tuesday, October 16 in Washington, DC, sponsored by the Lexington Institute and the Catholic University of America’s Department of Education.
The event, Building 21st Century Catholic Learning Communities: Enhancing the Catholic Mission with Data, Blended Learning, and Other Best Practices From Top Charter and Independent Schools, will discuss findings of a recent Lexington report on this topic, as well as trends and developments around the country discussed by leading practitioners and experts.
As the paper discusses, the 2012-2013 school year is the first in which more American children will be enrolled in charter schools than Catholic schools — a milestone that presents a crucial opportunity for Catholic schools to innovate. This event will focus on best practices underway at some of the nation’s most innovative, and most successful, Catholic schools, and highlight new breakthroughs in blended learning across the United States, that harness technology to create powerful gains through targeting differentiated instruction.
Building 21st Century Catholic Learning Communities:
Enhancing the Catholic Mission with Data, Blended Learning, and
Other Best Practices From Top Charter and Independent Schools
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
9 AM – 12:30 PM
Coffee and bagels will be served starting at 8:30 AM
The Catholic University of America, Pryzbyla Conference Center, “The Great Room”
620 Michigan Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20064
Confirmed speakers include:
- Samuel Casey Carter, Chief Executive Officer, Faith in the Future (Philadelphia);
- Naomi Rubin DeVeaux, Deputy Director, District of Columbia Public Charter School Board;
- John Eriksen, Education Director, National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management;
- Scott Hamilton, Managing Partner, Seton Partners (San Francisco);
- Jill Kafka, Executive Director, Partnership for Inner-City Education (New York City);
- Deacon Bert L’Homme, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Archdiocese of Washington;
- Anthony Kim, CEO and Founder, Education Elements;
- Michael Reardon, Executive Director, Catholic Schools Foundation (Boston);
- Philip V. Robey, Ph.D., Director of Secondary Education, National Catholic Education Association;
- Merylann J. “Mimi” Schuttloffel, Ph.D., Chair, The Catholic University of America Department of Education;
- Andrew Smarick, former New Jersey Deputy Commissioner of Education;
- Lucinda Tayor, Principal, Madison Middle School, Oakland (CA) USD Blended Learning Pilot site;
- Joseph Womac, Executive Director, Fulcrum Foundation (Seattle).
We hope you will be able to join us for this important policy discussion. Please RSVP to Constance Baroudos if you can attend at 703.522.5828 or Thank you.
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