Capitol Hill Event: Defense Acquisition Reform – 6.3.16
The Lexington Institute is organizing a Capitol Hill forum on Friday, June 3rd to discuss defense acquisition reform opportunities. We hope you will be able to attend.
Speakers to date include:
Mr. Peter B. Bechtel, Director, Capabilities Integration, U.S. Army Headquarters
Mr. Byron K. Callan, Managing Director, Capital Alpha Partners
Dr. James Jay Carafano, Vice President, The Heritage Foundation
Mr. Scott Chandler, Aviation and Acquisition Consultant
Dr. Daniel Goure, Vice President, Lexington Institute
Mr. Louis Kratz, Vice President, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Mr. John Luddy, Vice President, Aerospace Industries Association
Lieutenant General Henry A. “Trey” Obering (Ret), Executive Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton
Major General Arnold Punaro (Ret), Chief Executive Officer, The Punaro Group
Mr. Rickey Smith, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
Mr. Robert A. (Bobby) Sturgell, Senior Vice President, Rockwell Collins
Dr. Loren Thompson, Chief Operating Officer, Lexington Institute
Lieutenant General Donald J. Wetekam (Ret), Senior Vice President, AAR Corporation
Acquisition reform is crucial to sustaining the technological edge of America’s military. With defense budgets capped and other nations investing heavily in new warfighting technology, the United States cannot allow its military investments to be stalled or wasted by inefficient practices.
The defense department’s Better Buying Power initiatives have made a good start at slowing cost increases in major weapons programs and improving the professionalism of the acquisition workforce. But the department needs further improvement if it is to be a truly efficient buyer of military hardware and services.
In particular, the Department of Defense needs to become a customer that can unlock the full innovative potential of American industry. That requires both incentivizing traditional suppliers to perform and reaching out to non-traditional suppliers. The government-industry team needs to minimize tensions and build trust so that American warfighting technology is unsurpassed in its performance and cost-effectiveness.
You may R.S.V.P. to Constance Baroudos at or via telephone 703.522.5828. There is no need to respond unless you are interested in attending. Click here to view the CSPAN video of our last acquisition event.
Lexington Institute
Defense Acquisition Reform
Friday, June 3, 2016
Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(Lunch provided)
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