U.S. Postal Service Set Productivity Bar Low to Trigger Management Bonus Payouts This Year
July 17, 2001 - Charles Guy, Ph.D. -
U.S. Postal Service Productivity: The Yo-Yo Effect
July 17, 2001 - Charles Guy, Ph.D. -
U.S. Postal Service: The Only Safe Bet is Projecting Big Bonus Payouts
June 13, 2001 - Charles Guy, Ph.D. -
Postal Service’s April Financial & Operating Statements Reveal Management’s Gross Failure to Control Costs
May 15, 2001 - Charles Guy, Ph.D. -
Top Postal Service Brass Should Have Foreseen Billions in Red Ink
May 1, 2001 - Charles Guy, Ph.D. -
Postal Service Board of Governors Playing Game of Chicken with Postal Rate Commission
April 27, 2001 - Charles Guy, Ph.D. -
Test Foreign Language
June 14, 2000 - Lexington Institute -
Tilted Playing Field: How The Postal Service Benefits from Unfair Competition
February 2, 2000 - Richard Miniter -
Postman Still Rings
November 19, 1999 - Philip Peters
Find Archived Articles:
Logistics & Postal Studies
The Enigma Of Measuring Postal Service Delivery Time Performance
U.S. Postal Service Should Continue To Prefund Retiree Health Benefits
U.S. Postal Service’s Detour Decade: First-Class Mail Plummets, Package Volume Spikes
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Brazil’s Diverse (and Popular) Postal Services
China’s Postal Services: Which Path Forward?
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