Comments To Postal Regulatory Commission On U.S. Postal Service’s Annual Compliance Report
The Lexington Institute appreciates the opportunity to offer the following comments about the U.S. Postal Service’s Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Compliance Report.
Due to several developments in fiscal year 2021, it is essential that the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) fundamentally reevaluate how it determines whether it has complied with Chapter 36 of Title 39 and that the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) drive that change.
Those fiscal year 2021 events include: the historic delays in mail delivery from December 2020-January 2021; the decision to slow delivery of 40 percent of first-class mail; the continuing shift to competitive package delivery from mail; and the issuance of the 10-year strategic plan on March 23, 2021 wherein USPS aims to place even greater emphasis on competitive package services at the expense of its preeminent historic mission, mail delivery.
To read the full comments filed with the Postal Regulatory Commission, please click here.
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