Critical Infrastructure Companies Need To Better Protect Their Operational Technologies (From RealClearDefense)
Cybersecurity is the set of practices, processes and systems for protecting Information Technologies (IT), which consists of computers, networks, software and stored information, from digital attack. Billions are spent annually to defend governmental, corporate, and personal IT from cyber intrusion. Innovative companies have developed new ways of providing security. One new approach is to focus cybersecurity efforts on protecting Operational Technologies, the hardware and supervisory controls critical to the operation of most infrastructure sectors. One way of doing this, with a proprietary system called Binary Armor, places an in-line barrier to cyber intrusion on a network in front of the OT device. The Binary Armor unit monitors all communications to a piece of OT. Only legitimate commands within the defined operating parameters of the OT can pass through. I have written more about this potentially revolutionary solution here.
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