Enhancing U.S. Commitment To NATO by Selling Poland The M1 (From RealClearDefense)
One of the first foreign policy actions taken by the Biden administration was to reaffirm this nation’s belief in the NATO Alliance as the cornerstone of U.S. global security relationships. The Biden administration needs to put action behind its words. Selling Poland U.S. M1 Abrams main battle tanks would be a step in the right direction. This would have several benefits. First, it would substantially improve Poland’s capabilities for high-end heavy combat, enhancing NATO’s ability to deter Russia. Second, it would send a signal to Moscow that Washington intends to back up its words with deeds. Third, it would support interoperability between Polish and U.S. forces and improve sustainment. Finally, refurbishing Polish M1s in that country, would help the Polish defense industry become a better potential partner for future collaborative initiatives. I have written more on selling M1s to Poland here.
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