EVENT: Chicago Education Policy Briefing – November 18, 2008
The success of metropolitan Chicago’s English learner population could hardly be more crucial to the region’s economic future. What do current trends predict for schools and communities in the coming decades? Are current policies producing the necessary education results?
On Tuesday, November 18, the Lexington Institute will hold a policy briefing in Chicago, “English Learners and Chicago’s Future: What is Working and What Changes are Needed?” Topics will include an analysis of current programs, laws and education practices, as well as academic results and trends for this critical student population.
Among the questions to be discussed will be:
• Which classroom strategies have produced successful academic results with English learners in Illinois’ public and public charter schools? Which innovations have shown the greatest success?
• How are current policies working and what changes should be considered to most benefit this critical student population?
• What implications does the Elgin U-46 class-action discrimination lawsuit hold for other Illinois school districts?
The event will be Tuesday, November 18, from 9:30 – 11 AM, at 190 S. LaSalle Street, 40th Floor Library.
Speakers include:
• State Representative Kathleen A. Ryg;
• Caroline Sanchez Crozier, LULAC National Education Commission Chairperson;
• Collin Hitt, Illinois Policy Institute;
• Dr. Roger Prosise, Superintendent, Diamond Lake School District 76;
• Tony Reyes, President, Board of Education, West Chicago Community High School District 94;
• M. Graciela Shelley, Principal, Charles R. Darwin Elementary School, Chicago
• Don Soifer, Lexington Institute.
To RSVP, please contact Lisanne Boling at 703.522.5828 or boling@lexingtoninstitute.org.
Thank you.
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