Five Reasons Why The Nation Should Keep Building The National Security Cutter (From RealClearDefense)
Given the growing threats posed by Russia and China to U.S. security and tightening defense budgets, it makes sense to protect highly successful acquisition programs wherever possible, if only as a hedge against uncertainty. One such program is the Coast Guard’s Legend-class National Security Cutter (NSC). Despite the demonstrated value of the NSC, strong bipartisan Congressional support for these ships, and the fact that the NSC supports thousands of high paying manufacturing jobs across the country, the Coast Guard is on the verge of having to terminate the production line. Yet, the NSC is a remarkable platform that is doing great work. The production line is providing new ships on time and on budget. Building NSCs will protect the shipbuilding industrial base while preserving thousands of high paying jobs across multiple states. Congress has provided money to support keeping the line open and producing a twelfth NSC. I have written more on this subject here.
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