Gates Not Happy About Bloomberg Budget Story
Pentagon sources say that defense secretary Robert Gates was quite unhappy about Tony Capaccio’s budget story carried by Bloomberg Business News on Wednesday of this week. The story revealed details of the Air Force’s proposed 2011-2015 budget request, including proposed terminations of the Joint Tactical Radio System and C-130 Avionics Modernization Program. Gates has made secrecy a hallmark of his budget deliberations, and views any leaks as disloyal and irresponsible. But there seems to be a contradiction between the Obama Administration’s desire for openness in government and the total lack of transparency surrounding Gates budget decisions. Of course leaks are inconvenient, but this is a democracy and we’re talking about taxpayer money. Maybe we’d be in a better place today if there had been less secrecy surrounding some of the dumb defense decisions made by the previous administration.
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