HASC Chairman Smith Earmarks $500M Giveaway For SpaceX, Potentially Aborting Air Force Space Plans (From Forbes)
The Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee has proposed language in the 2020 defense authorization act that would provide Elon Musk’s SpaceX with up to $500 million so that it can continue pursuing military launch contracts despite not receiving a competitive award from the Air Force last year to develop a launch vehicle. Three other providers, including two non-traditional ones, won awards. Chairman Smith’s proposed language is a bad idea. According to the Air Force, it would raise the cost of military space missions, undermine assured access to space for key national-security payloads, and delay the day when the U.S. finally ends reliance on Russian rocket engines. It would also reward a losing participant in a merit-based competition while punishing companies that won on the basis of better designs and pricing. Why Chairman Smith thinks any of this is necessary is hard to fathom. I have written a commentary for Forbes here.
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