March 28, 2017
The Heart Of The F-35 Is Its Remarkable Engine (From RealClear Defense)
For all the sound and fury about the cost of the F-35, the truth is that the price has been coming down at a brisk clip. In the early low rate initial production lots, the price of the F-35A was $125 million. Now, according to official sources, the goal is to drive the price down below $80 million by 2020. With so much attention focused on the F-35, its costs and performance, there is a tendency to forget that the heart of the aircraft is the Pratt & Whitney F-135 engine. Since 2009, P&W has reduced the cost of the engines for the Air Force and Navy variants of the F-35 by more than 50 percent. I have written more on this subject for RealClear Defense here.
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