Appeals Court Tells USPS Regulator To Rethink ‘Incomprehensible’ Package Revenue Formula (From Federal News Network)
The Lexington Institute’s Paul Steidler is quoted in a Federal News Network April 17 article about the need for a more modern pricing system at the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). The USPS Office of Inspector General concluded in a 2014 white paper that a “modern, bottom-up costing and revenue analysis system” would empower the Postal Service to make better business decisions.
Steidler said that the new system would “provide Postal Service executives with common and accepted views of costs and profitability” as USPS finalizes a 10-year business plan. “One of the key challenges inherent to reform is drilling down on costs, that is understanding what the costs are for different product lines for the Postal Service,” Steidler added.
Read the full article here.
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