Boeing’s DC Powerbroker Rebuilds Clout After Fallout From 737 Max Crash (From Bloomberg)
Lexington COO Loren Thompson was quoted in a Bloomberg article outlining Boeing’s effort to rectify its public image. In the wake of Congress’ December decision to side with the aerospace giant, Boeing’s DC lobbying team can direct their focus toward rallying support within the White House in the hopes that they will approve sales of the 737 Max in China.
In order to retain the goodwill of the government, Boeing relocated its headquarters in close proximity to the Pentagon to help restore its image and streamline relations between federal regulators and private enterprise. Thompson assessed the effects of the two 737 Max crashes, stating, “Everything legislatively was easier before the two crashes and pandemic. In terms of their business, this is doubly important to Boeing right now because it has lost ground to Airbus on the commercial side and its defense operations are performing weakly.”
Read the full article here.
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