Letters: Independent System Operator Keeps Power On (From The Albany Times Union)
A letter to the editor of The Albany Times Union by the Lexington Institute’s Paul Steidler addresses the paper’s April 1 editorial, “Isolated, Capital Region-based energy grid workers keep power on.” Steidler commends the heroism of highly-skilled, hard-to-replace professionals who are essential to keeping the electric grid running and who have volunteered to live on-site to ensure that they do not contract COVID-19. “Their work requires teamwork and collaboration; that is, they must work near one another,” said Steidler.
Even in more usual times, he said, grid professionals have always “demonstrated a strong commitment to public service,” and consistently “rise to the challenges of natural disasters, working extremely long hours until problems are solved.” Steidler also praised the New York Independent System Operator and New York Power Authority for setting an important example for other power providers s to follow.
The full letter to the editor can be read here.
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