National Guard Bureau Asks Springfield Unit If It Wants A Space Force Mission (From Dayton Daily News)
The Lexington Institute’s Loren Thompson was quoted in Stars and Stripes’ recent article, published in the Dayton Daily News on November 5. The article concerned a potential role for the Ohio Air National Guard’s 178th Wing unit in President Trump’s proposed Space Force. According to Thompson, the consideration of a unit of the National Guard, specifically, is significant.
“A lot of these National Guard units contain skills that are hard to come by in the regular military,” said Thompson. “Depending on what they do in their civilian lives, some of these National Guard people may actually have superior space-related skills.” The National Guard’s software and application engineers, may also offer “extreme expertise that is hard to come by,” he added.
Read the original article here.
This article also appeared in Stars and Stripes here.
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