Thousands Of U.S. Post Offices Lose Money. Should Some Be Closed? (From NPR)
Lexington’s Paul Steidler was featured in a National Public Radio (NPR) “All Things Considered” story about whether there are too many post offices. The short answer, said Steidler, is no.
A decade ago, Patrick Donahoe, the postmaster general at the time, “…proposed closing 3,700 post offices, about 12% of the number that are in the country today. And frankly, there was a firestorm of bipartisan, intense congressional opposition to this,” Steidler explained. Likewise, post offices, “especially in rural areas, tend to be a part of the town’s identity, a part of the town’s history. Many of them are, you know, 100-plus years old, have very iconic and beautiful architecture. So there’s a value there beyond, you know, how much they make or don’t make.”
Listen to the full story here.
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