USPS’ 10 Year Plan Is Going To Be A Tough Sell To Consumers (From Federal Drive Podcast)
Lexington’s Paul Steidler was interviewed by Federal News Network’s podcast, Federal Drive, about the U.S. Postal Service’s 10-year strategic plan. Federal Drive said the Postal Service believes, “higher rates for slower service are necessary to keep the agency from running out of cash.”
Steidler pointed out that the Postal Service plans to invest $40 billion in capital improvements over the next decade, the vast majority of which is likely for package service. This “raises a lot of disturbing questions,” he said. Steidler also pointed out that it seems like the Postal Service is throwing in the towel on quality mail service. “Every time you lower service standards, that creates less reverence, less respect for that product.”
Listen to the full podcast here.
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