Iraq Crisis: Six Reasons Why America’s Military Should Not Re-Engage (From Forbes)
The rapid advance and gross brutality of Sunni extremists in northwestern Iraq has convinced many that Washington should take military action to save the government in Baghdad. However, there are compelling reasons for not re-engaging. First, the military situation is likely to stabilize as the extremists push into predominantly Shia or Kurdish areas. Second, Washington should not be taking sides in a religious war — especially one where most of its friends in the region are on the other side. Third, the world doesn’t need Iraq’s oil as much as it once did. Fourth, re-engaging militarily would again make America a target of Sunni extremists. Fifth, Iraq needs to be partitioned rather than propped up because its current borders make little sense. Sixth, the U.S. public deeply opposes new U.S. military action in Iraq. I have written a commentary for Forbes here.
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