JADC2 Needs A New, Robust Security Architecture (From 1945)
The Department of Defense (DoD) recognized that it was necessary to move beyond service-specific networks and provide a means for connecting sensors, shooters, and data sources regardless of where they were or who “owned” them. The Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) concept would provide the means to share information across the services and potentially with other parts of the U.S. government, and even beyond. But how to secure such a massive, constantly changing and evolving network? The answer is for the defense department to deploy a highly automated system that can verify a user’s identity and credentials or access privileges, and has the ability to continuously monitor and manage network access. A solution being pursued by the Defense Information Systems Agency for DoD is called Identity, Credentialing and Access management or (ICAM). ICAM will allow for the creation of multi-factor digital identities, the credentialing and authentication of users, and the making of access management decisions based on verified identities and credentials. I have written about this innovative security capability here.
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