Keep the Postal Service Out Of The Alcohol Business (From InsideSources DC Journal)
The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is facing formidable challenges these days and there are plenty of bad ideas on how to fix it. At the top of the list is H.R. 3721, legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives that would allow USPS to deliver beer, wine, and spirits to people’s homes.
This new “service” will do nothing to fix USPS’s finances and instead will result in a host of liabilities and added costs.
To its credit, it is unclear whether USPS even supports this legislation. One special interest group that will benefit from the measure are the Members of Congress who represent alcohol producers and have introduced the bill.
USPS should ask Congress to table the legislation. Lexington Institute’s Paul Steidler discusses this in the Op-Ed in InsideSources DC Journal here.
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