Lexington Institute Policy Forum: “The Future of Student Loans: A Policy Dialogue”
The Lexington Institute will host a policy forum on the future of the federal student loan program in the United States. The event will take place Tuesday, November 10, from 9:30 – 11:00 AM at the National Press Club, 529 14th Street, NW (Zenger Room).
Confirmed speakers to date include:
• Timothy A. Connell, President, Georgia Student Finance Commission;
• Jason Delisle, Director – Federal Education Budget Project, New America Foundation;
• Donald Murphy, CEO and Managing Associate, The Wesley Peachtree Group;
• Eileen O’Leary, Executive Council, National Direct Loan Coalition, Stonehill College;
• John F. Remondi, Vice Chairman and CFO, Sallie Mae;
• Jevita Rogers, Office of Student Financial Aid, George Mason University;
• Rich Williams, Higher Education Associate, U.S. PIRG.
Among the questions to be addressed include:
• Given the present economic conditions and regulatory structure, what federal policies will best serve the nation’s higher education students, institutions and taxpayers?
• How will currently-proposed policy changes impact the delivery and taxpayer support of the $100 billion student loan system, and what effects can students expect?
• What can postsecondary institutions do to safeguard the best interests of their students?
Click here to read Don Soifer’s remarks.
Slides from John E. Remondi’s Presentation:
Slide 1: “Student Loan Services Today vs. SAFRA Tomorrow”
Slide 2: “Federal Student Loan Origination: Services Lost Under Direct Loans”
Click here to read the full transcript of the forum
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