Lexington Summer Intern: Yuyi Zhao
Hi everyone,
My name is Yuyi Zhao, and I am originally from Beijing, China. I am delighted to work with the Lexington Institute this summer, in the center of world politics.
So far, I’ve helped develop our press lists, assisted with Lexington’s social media outlets, and compiled research about the Greek debt crisis, South China Sea tensions, and the defense acquisition system. I am ready to absorb more of the political awesomeness DC has to offer, and I would like to gain insight on how to help China become a better country, both for its citizens and for the international community.
I am a rising junior at Davidson College in North Carolina (a school so academically mind-blowing that neither Steph Curry nor Woodrow Wilson graduated), studying political science and German studies.
Fun fact about me: I’ve traveled around the world for seven years. I was born in Beijing, but moved to the DC area soon after – which is where my interest in politics came from. After four years in Washington, DC, I moved to Jena, Germany, home to many of Europe’s best philosophers, and where I developed an interest in logic and international relations. I finally made my way back to Beijing after living in Germany for two years, where I finished up my pre-college schooling and gained hope in China’s bright future.
While in DC, I hope to acquire a holistic worldview by learning from experts at events, meeting friends and mentors equally fascinated by political interactions, and spending time studying beautiful masterpieces at the National Gallery of Art. If you know of places to be, sights to see, or people to meet, I’d love to know!
Yuyi Zhao
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