Memo To Senate Banking Committee: Ex-Im Bank Needs A Leader Who Believes In The Mission (From Forbes)
Next Tuesday the Senate Banking Committee will vote on five nominees to the Export-Import Bank’s board. Four of the nominees deserve to be supported. The fifth, former New Jersey congressman Scott Garrett, should be rejected. For some inexplicable reason, the Trump White House proposed that Garrett be Ex-Im’s next chairman — even though his view of the agency is completely at odds with that of the president. Garrett worked overtime in Congress to kill the bank and thereby make America the only major trading nation without an export credit agency. If his view were to prevail at the bank, it would become even harder to reach the kind of economic growth rates required to restore America’s former greatness. The Senate Banking Committee should not support a nominee for chairman whose views are so antithetical to the Trump economic agenda, not to mention a common-sense understanding of how global trade works. I have written a commentary for Forbes here.
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