Missile Defense Of U.S. Homeland Headed For Huge Management Mis-Step (From Forbes)
The new head of the Missile Defense Agency, Lt. Gen. Samuel Greaves, has inherited a flawed management strategy from the Obama years. It calls for breaking up the end-to-end contract that a Boeing team has for integrating the Ground-based Midcourse Defense program, and parceling out pieces to four separate teams. The agency would become system integrator, a concept that isn’t likely to work well if past federal initiatives along these lines are any indication. Not only does the agency lack the requisite skills and experience, but it doesn’t even know what the Trump Administration’s missile defense review will recommend with regard to shifting agency priorities. Gen. Greaves needs to delay this change of course until the risks are understood better, rather than endangering the only program the Pentagon has for blunting a ballistic missile attack on America. I have written a commentary for Forbes here.
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