A Must Read for Trump’s National Security Team (From RealClearDefense)
A newly published report from the American Enterprise Institute, authored by Mackenzie Eaglen, Repair and Rebuild: Balancing New Military Spending for a Three Theater Strategy, should be required reading for the entire national security establishment. The report’s author must be complimented for addressing the disconnect between the magnitude and variety of core U.S. national interests and vital security commitments on one side of the ledger, and the inability of the current U.S. military to defend them all, on the other side. Repair and Rebuild rejects the false choice often found in the current defense debate between the need to shore up current readiness and the requirement to modernize in anticipation of future threats. Instead, it recognizes that the military must do both with an emphasis on ameliorating current weaknesses and capability gaps. Repair and Rebuild provides detailed recommendations for both near-term actions to repair the damage done to the military by decades of underfunding and overuse and initial investments that begin the process of rebuilding its erstwhile preeminence. I discuss the report’s findings and recommendations in detail for RealClearDefense here.
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