NATO’s Anniversary Summit Was A Success For The Alliance And President Trump (From RealClearDefense)
In early December, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) celebrated its seventieth anniversary at a summit in London. Public reports of discord among NATO leaders dominated the headlines. Much of the U.S. press focused on President Trump’s sometimes critical attitude towards NATO and a relatively small number of testy interactions with a few of his counterparts. Defense spending by NATO members is up over $100 billion. NATO is also spending more on modern equipment such as the F-35 stealth fighter and Patriot air and missile defense units. It is a pity that so much of the U.S. and European media’s reporting on the London Summit chose to focus on a few sharp exchanges between President Trump and some of his counterparts. They missed the big headline. NATO is stronger today than it was three years ago and much of the increase in capabilities is due to President Trump. I have written about the London Summit here.
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