Navy’s Next Generation Network Will Not Meet Warfighters’ Needs (From RealClearDefense)
The leadership of the U.S. Navy is virtually unanimous in identifying their networks as one of the linchpins for success in future high-end warfare. Admiral Richardson, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), recently expressed the view that “there are plenty of examples in history where just the power of networking [platforms] together creatively, adaptively, brings actually more power to that force.” The Navy’s new concept for Distributed Maritime Operations takes the idea of creatively, adaptively networking its platforms and systems to the next level. Unfortunately, the Navy’s current plan for its major network support contract, called Next Generation Enterprise Network-Recompete, doesn’t match the vision laid out by senior Sea Services leaders for “warfighting” networks. It seems as if Navy acquisition officials have failed to appreciate the implications of the new operating concepts for their networks. I have written more on this topic for RealClearDefense here.
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