Precision Versus Massed Fires: Potential Lessons From The Ukraine War (From RealClearDefense)
Ukraine may provide answers to many questions regarding the way high-end wars of the 21st century will be fought. One of the most important of these questions is the appropriate balance between precision and massed fires. Both sides have employed large numbers of precision and unguided projectiles in the nearly year-long war. The answer to this question is of critical importance for the Department of Defense as it not only seeks to replenish munitions stockpiles drawn down as a result of aiding Ukraine, but also considers what should be stockpiled to prepare U.S. forces for potential high-end conflicts with Russia, China, or both. What is clear so far is that the U.S. and its allies have severely underestimated the amount of munitions of all kinds that a high-end conflict will demand. Efforts to rebuild and expand U.S. munitions stockpile and the industrial base that supports it must be accelerated. I have written more about this here.
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