Prepared Remarks Of Paul Steidler To U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors
November 14, 2019 Meeting
Postmaster General Brennan, members of the Board of Governors, thank you for your service.
You face harder, more consequential and important challenges than a corporate board. As was discussed earlier, and a related reminder, Title 39 says, “The Governors shall represent the public interest generally.”
Two months ago, at the Universal Postal Union, the Postal Service and Administration scored a major victory, eliminating subsidies to foreign shippers that have cost the Postal Service more than $300 million annually. This was accomplished through bold and novel thinking, and blunt talk.
That same approach needs to be applied as you face a declining cash balance, potential disruption in operations a broken business model and an apathetic Congress. In fact, 11 months after a Presidential task force report, there has not been any reform legislation introduced in Congress.
I respectfully suggest that you search for a Postmaster General who will be candid and outspoken in calling attention to the serious financial challenges the Postal Service has, who will engage with the Administration and who will not be afraid to implement major changes quickly that he or she can do unilaterally.
The board should also make clear pronouncements through resolutions about these matters. The public needs and deserves a stronger, better functioning Postal Service, and one that will not encounter financial catastrophe. Thank you.
Paul Steidler is a Senior Fellow with the Lexington Institute, a public policy think tank based in Arlington, Virginia.
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