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Ex-Im Bank Battle Illustrates How GOP Could Lose The White House In 2016
March 11, 2015- Loren B. Thompson, Ph.D The core principles of modern conservatism, contrary to what critics allege, are not grounded in religion or ideology. They are grounded in simple common sense. Budgets should be balanced. High taxes distort behavior. Welfare erodes the human spirit. Nations should [Read More...] -
What First-Rate Charter School Authorizing Could Do for the Children of Newark
March 10, 2015- Don Soifer Star-Ledger (Newark, NJ) A group of students and community organizers recently held a four-day sit-in at the Newark public school system’s headquarters — protesting Superintendent Cami Anderson’s leadership and demanding her resignation. Newark Mayor Ras Baraka announced his support for [Read More...]
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